Many women know they want to improve the appearance of their breasts but aren’t sure which surgery would benefit them most. This is a topic I frequently discuss with women considering a breast lift (mastopexy) or breast augmentation from as far as Dothan, AL and Destin, FL at my Tallahassee plastic surgery practice. With both procedures …
Breast Lift surgery is performed to help women achieve more youthful and perky breasts after sagging has begun to set in. Breasts sag in the same way the rest of our bodies age with time, but there may be certain factors that accelerate or exaggerate this process such as having very large breasts, genetics, pregnancy and …
Breasts are just as susceptible to the effects of aging and gravity as the rest of your body. Women who have had children and nursed often notice significant changes in their breasts, as do women who’ve lost weight. To rejuvenate the breasts, Breast Lift surgery can make a significant, yet natural difference. Breast Lift surgery lifts the …
Pregnancy, weight loss, nursing, and gravity all take their toll on our breasts, working to pull them downwards and seeming to almost deflate them. Women unhappy with the downward pull their breasts seem to be going in, may opt for a Breast Lift. A Breast Lift is a procedure which removes excess, sagging skin by …
There are a number of factors that effect the shape of the breasts. After pregnancy and weight loss the breasts often tend to navigate downwards. Gravity and aging can also create this droopy effect. To reverse this, the Tallahassee, FL Breast Lift can rejuvenate and revitalize the appearance of the breasts by removing the excess skin and …
Pregnancy, weight loss, nursing, and gravity all take their toll on our breasts, working to pull them downwards and seeming to almost deflate them. Women unhappy with the downward pull their breasts seem to be going in, may opt for a Breast Lift. A Breast Lift is a procedure which removes excess, sagging skin by …
Breasts are just as susceptible to the effects of aging and gravity as the rest of your body. Women who have had children and nursed often notice significant changes in their breasts, as do women who've lost weight. To rejuvenate the breasts, Tallahassee, FL Breast Lift surgery can make a significant, yet natural difference. Breast …
Even with small breasts and excellent skin tone, there’s just no getting around it; your breasts are going to sag over time. Given the normal processes of pregnancy, nursing, aging, and gravity this natural droop may be exacerbated. Many patients in Tallahassee, FL who find themselves unsatisfied with the changing position of their breasts seek …
Most women seeking breast procedures range from their mid-20s to mid-40s, with every imaginable background. No two women walk into our office looking exactly the same or wanting the perfect measurements. Dr.s. Kirbo and Rosenberg’s most popular procedures are the breast lift and the breast augmentation, otherwise known as the breast implant (or affectionately as …